If you don’t mind messing around with a lot of configuration, you can keep reading to see how to set up a server on your own machine. If you want to be up and running quickly, using a host is probably your best option. Internet is a huge factor if you plan on having a lot of players, as running a forge server uses a lot more bandwidth than you might expect. Usually they are hosted in datacenters with incredible internet speeds (upwards of 1gb/s) and have lots of storage space, so backups are not a problem. The nice thing about using a host like this is the power of the server. Most hosts will offer either Multicraft or McMyAdmin, which are easy-to-use web panels. They have a bunch of cool stuff to speed things up, and handle all forge, pixelmon, mod and plugin updates for you. While there are several good hosts out there, we recommend using Pixelmon Hosting. If this is the case, you should definitely consider using a host. Perhaps you want to play with more people than your home computer/internet can handle. If managing forge and a bunch of plugins isn’t your cup of tea, you can use a Pixelmon server host which handles all of the setup for you. Completion Time: Approximately 5 minutes.How to Make a Pixelmon Server Using a Host If you prefer, you can also just play on the hundreds of amazing Pixelmon servers other users have already created. Additionally, if you wish to create your server but don’t wish to host it on your computer, there are many easier methods and platforms that can be accessed online. However, making a server can take work, and managing it takes even longer. Additionally, you will need some kind of text editing software (notepad, notepad++, textedit, etc.) and Java.
In case you do not know how to do this, you can refer to my own easy guide on how to install Pixelmon –. Before we begin the fun however, make sure you know the basics of Pixelmon, and also of course make sure you have Pixelmon installed on your computer, so you can enter the server after having created it. Whether you want to fly around on a level 100 shiny Rayquaza, or just spawn hundreds of Voltorbs near your friends’ houses, you can do it all, when you’re the owner. Ever get tired of playing Pixelmon by yourself, or playing on some other person’s server, following their every rule and command? Well suffer no more, ladies and gentlemen, because today I will be showing you how to make a Pixelmon server – your own server, with Pixelmon! By doing this you can make the rules, control the players, and invite your friends, without any interruptions.